Friday, December 30, 2016

Kahfi 1st Birthday Party - The Decorations

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum.

Sambungan dari SINI

OK now lets read about the decorations pula. As I mentioned in the previous entry, main décor for birthday party ni will be done by the event organizer Pretty Lynn Collection. Tapi aku sendiri tidak ketinggalan untuk menunjukkan bakat terpendam aku ni yang gian sangat nak menghias satu rumah (dah lah pinjam rumah mertua, sibuk pula nak menghias itu ini tak malu huhuuu). Nasib baik mak mertua aku ni jenis yang sporting thank you mak love you muuaahhh!!!

2 days before the event, kitorang dah start menghias bilik tamu. My helpers are all my baby fruits yang kreatif dan rajin semuanya. Most of the props aku memang dah siapkan awal termasuk flag nama baby Kahfi, poster dan board. Manakala hiasan bunga kipas pula aku gunakan yang aku buat sewaktu aqiqah baby dulu. Aku just touch up sikit-sikit tampalkan characters Nemo and friends untuk seragamkan dengan tema dari event organizer.

Bunga kipas dengan Finding Nemo characters

Finding Nemo Quote Board by ME

Anak2 buah yang sangat kreatif dan rajin

Thank you so much lovelies muaahhh

Belon di siling ni kitorang tak guna gas pun untuk apungkan just guna double sided tape lekatkan atas siling, idea yang bernas kan.

Anak-anak buah kata nak simpan curl ribbon supaya nampak lebih menyerlah. Aku setuju saja as long as they are happy and enjoy. Budak-budak suka bila idea mereka diterima dan dipuji tapi honestly memang cantik dan lebih menyerlah dengan reben curly tu.

Mineral Water

Mix Keropok


Sweets & Lollipop

Choki Choki

Activity and Karaoke Corner

Hadiah untuk pertandingan

Door Gift & Goodies Bag corner
Thank you so much to my anak buah Alya yang melekatkan hiasan untuk DG &GB corner. She did it on her own without asking me how to do it. Such a creative little girl. Thanks again dear.

Seterusnya ialah additional candy buffet dan dessert table by ME. Very simple but look so inviting right....apanya yang inviting tu?...hahh yang tu lah all the foods on the table macam-macam ada memanggil-manggil melambai-lambai hahaha.
My décor VS event organizer....macam comel jerrrr

Sudut aktiviti dan karaoke
Yang ni pula arrangement untuk dinner dari Restoran Nadz. Aku just tambah Dinner Entrée frame untuk menghidupkan suasana. I mean tak adalah orang tertanya-tanya apa makanan dalam tu cos dah ada tertulis menu. Of course suasanapun 'alive' cos tetamu mesti curious how it tastes dan tambah lapar huahuahua. BTW frame ni aku beli 3 keping @B$2.90 satu.  

Dinner Entrée di setiap meja hidangan

Dessert by Me: Puding Jagung & Kek Batik Nestle Cream

Yang ni hidangan di dalam rumah
Last but not least, the main decorations by the event organizer Pretty Lynn Collection. Honestly, I think this setup is quiet simple far from my expectation. I was wondering where is the ocean cos the BLUE colour is very less (macam tak ada langsung except for the banner). I was also looking high and low where is the other friends of Nemo (kura-kura,sotong,tapak sulaiman,burung,jerung and many more) why only Nemo and Dory??? Why? Why? Why? hahaha. A bit disappointed also cos banner tak ada nama baby Kahfi pun just Happy Birthday. My first thinking is that they want to take back the banner so that they can use it for other functions that's why baby Kahfi's name is not there.

In fact the candy treats also seems insufficient (I don't think everyone will dapat) that's why we decided to make additional table for candy buffet and dessert. Terpaksalah kami beli extra sweets, chocolate, lollipop dan various crackers. One more thing, they didn't inform us that they will change the muffin with cotton candy. Masa datang setup baru bagitahu. Geram juga rasa hati, at least she can inform me through wassap earlier so that I can arrange something. Imagine cotton candy hanya 10 tetapi kanak-kanak sangat ramai. Hmmm memang agak frust juga tapi I just take this as a lesson. First time hiring an event organizer; this is an eye opener for me to plan something else in future. I guess relying to outsiders is not the best option sometimes. Better arrange on our own next time.  



Whatever it is, we were thankful that the event went well and everything were smooth all day long. Baby Kahfi pun behaves well dan memberikan kerjasama yang baik dalam semua acara. Thank you baby...mama and babah love you so much. Semoga dipanjangkan umur dan dapat bersama-sama menyambut ulangtahun kelahiran yang akan datang Aamiin.

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