Thursday, December 1, 2016

ASEAN ICT Award 2016

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum.

This entry is about the ASEAN ICT Award 2016 which was held on 25th November 2016 at Plenary Hall International Convention Centre (ICC) Brunei Darussalam. I attended this event together with my Operations Manager on behalf of our Company as one of the Sponsor.

Nice entrance....cantiiikkk
With My Operations Manager
Acara bermula pada pukul 7 malam. Sebenarnya aku tak senang duduk sebab terpaksa meninggalkan baby Kahfi dirumah. Terpaksalah encik suami yang menjaga serba salah pula rasanya tapi apa boleh buat this is one of my responsibility as well. Hari tu aku dah missed one event cos baby Kahfi tak sihat so this time I have to attend takut pula nanti my Management unhappy kalau aku tak datang lagi untuk event yang ini. Actually this event is organized by Ministry of Communications (MINCOM) and Authority for Info-Communications Technology Industry (AITI), Negara Brunei Darussalam. The participant is all ASEAN countries. This award ceremony is part of the 'Telecommunications & IT Ministers Meeting' (TELMIN) and  'Senior Officials Meeting' (TELSOM).

The event was started with cultural performance followed by the speech from Minister of Communications, Yang Mulia Dato Paduka Haji Awang Mustappa bin Haji Sirat.

The Minister delivering his speech
A lot of performance were presented that night including singing, dancing, cultural performances and phantom of opera. In between, the award is presented to the winners.

Beauty and The Beast

Phantom of The Opera

Local Singer

Local Singer

Local Singer

Local Singer...dia ni nyanyi lagu Thai (BEST)
Persembahan diadakan berselang seli dengan pengurniaan award sambil menikmati jamuan. Jadi tak adalah membosankan.

Most of the Gold Award went to Singapore. It is proven that Singapore is really one step ahead in ICT compared to other Asean Countries. Congrats and well done Singapore.

Makanan malam tu boleh tahan not bad. Aku tak makan nasi dietlah katakan tapi ada juga 2-3 kali tambah lauk hahaha.

Sebelum majlis berakhir, kesemua wakil Asean dan peserta dipanggil ke atas pentas untuk sesi bergambar ramai.

The ASEAN representatives and participants

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