Wednesday, December 21, 2016

22/12/2016 : Happy Birthday Baby KAHFI

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamualaikum.

22nd December….the most meaningful date in my life ever and for the years to come; 1 year ago I gave birth to a chubby adorable 3.44kg little baby boy into this beautiful world and he is amazingly grows up as a ‘prince charming’ for US and today 22/12/2016 he is officially not a little baby anymore as he turns 1 YEAR OLD. Syukur Alhamdulillah to Allah S.W.T for His rahmah and mercy blessed us with this miracle we named Muhammad Quranizam Kahfi bin Yusri. Tiada kata-kata yang paling indah untuk menggambarkan rasa syukur dan terima kasih dalam sanubari kami. Words can’t describe our feelings. It is just MAGIC and MIRACLE. Happy birthday to our beloved son KAHFI; mama and babah always wish, hope and pray for your good health and happiness. Thank you for bringing colours in our lives with your sweet smile and laughter. You are such a happy baby with six teeth by now and more to come out…mama loves to tease you by pretending that it is painful every time you bite or try to bite and babah also does the same thing hehehe. Semoga anak mama & babah membesar dengan sihat, panjang umur, murah rezeki, menjadi anak yang soleh, taat dan berbakti pada ibu bapa, agama dan sesama manusia. Semoga sentiasa dilindungi Allah, dipermudahkan dalam apa jua urusan dan semoga menjadi hamba Allah yang memperjuangkan Islam dengan berkat Nabi Muhammad S.A.W Aamiin ya rabbal alamin. We love you so much anak muaahhhh Happy Birthday!
P/s: Nanti kita celebrate yaaa 27hb (belated celebration) Happy Birthday again baby Kahfi....Love you to the moon and back.

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